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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > New Sony VAIO VGN-AW110J/ H 18.4-Inch Laptop
New Sony VAIO VGN-AW110J/ H 18.4-Inch Laptop
Price: 287
Visits: 765

Date Posted: 6/8/2012 7:35:41 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ytrem  
New and Original laptops are sold discount, purchase to visit Product Details Product Description Boasting an 18.4-inch widescreen XBRITE-ECO display that'''' s designed to maximize LCD space while minimizing chassis size, the Sony VAIO VGN-AW110J/ H delivers vibrant colors in stunning clarity. Weighing a little more than 8 pounds, it'''' s ideal for multimedia enthusiasts or photographers who like to view or edit high-definition content on-the-go. And the Blu-ray Disc optical drive lets you play HD Blu-ray Disc movies in crystal-clear resolution with immersive audio via Dolby Home Theater surround sound technology and the integrated stereo speakers with subwoofer. An HDMI output provides single-cable full 1080 HD connectivity ( audio and video) to a compatible HDTV ( cable sold separately) . And you'''' ll be able to tackle virtually any graphics requirement with the NVIDIA GeForce 9300M GS graphics card and 256 MB of dedicated video RAM ( and up to 2030 MB of

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