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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > Acer AS8943G-9429 18.4-Inch Laptop
Acer AS8943G-9429 18.4-Inch Laptop
Price: 366
Visits: 753

Date Posted: 6/8/2012 7:32:39 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ytrem  
New and Original laptops are sold discount, purchase to visit Product Description Acer Aspire AS8943G: Ultimate Multimedia Center Whether are used for creating multimedia content, watching movies or dominating the latest PC games, the Acer Aspire 8943G notebook PC ( model AS8943G-9429) delivers high-end styling and world-class performance. It features a brilliant 18.4-inch CineCrystal edge-to-edge glass LED back-lit display with full high-definition ( 1080p) resolution. And it combines best-in-class Intel Core i7 processing power and stunning ATI Radeon HD graphics with a Blu-ray Disc drive for viewing movies in crystal-clear HD resolution and a Dolby-optimized surround-sound system for an immersive on-the-go cinema experience. And the Blu-ray Disc drive includes an integrated SuperMulti drive for creating your own DVDs and CDs. You'''' ll also enjoy the multitasking freedom from the maximized 8 GB of installed RAM. The AS8943G'''' s exterior sports an alum

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