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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > Acer Aspire ICONIA TAB W500 10.1 inch LED Tablet
Acer Aspire ICONIA TAB W500 10.1 inch LED Tablet
Price: 265
Visits: 713

Date Posted: 6/8/2012 7:25:08 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: bumin  
The Laptop is available for sale with no tax through, Purchase to visit Product Features Processor clock speed: 1000 MHz Processor model: C-50 Processor family: AMD Dual-Core L2 cache: 1 MB Internal memory: 2048 MB AMD-C50 Dual Core Processor 2GB DDR3 RAM, SSD 32GB Hard Drive 802.11b/ g + Draft-N Wi-Fi CERTIFIED® Micro SD Cardreader up to 32GB, Bluetooth: 3.0 + EDR Windows® 7 Home Premium 32-bit Technical Details Processor: AMD-C50 Dual Core Speed: 1GHz Bluetooth: 3.0 + EDR OS: Windows® 7 Home Premium 32b Memory: 2GB DDR3 RAM ( 1 x 2GB) Screen: 10.1 " WXGA LED Graphic Card: AMD Radeon® GMA 6250 Wide screen: yes

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