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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > Dell XPS 17 3D Laptop with 3D Glasses
Dell XPS 17 3D Laptop with 3D Glasses
Price: 450
Visits: 729

Date Posted: 6/8/2012 7:22:15 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: bumin  
The Laptop is available for sale with no tax through, Purchase to visit Product Features Intel Core i7-2630QM processor 2.00 GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 2.90 GHz 12GB Shared Dual Channel DDR3 Memory 500GB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 17.3in FHD WLED TL ( 1920x1080) 1080p 3D Display Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Processor, Memory, and Motherboard Hardware Platform: PC Processor: Intel Core i7 RAM Type: DDR3 SDRAM Hard Drive Size: 500 GB Type: Serial ATA Graphics and Display

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