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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > Apple - iPhone 4S with 16GB Memory Mobile Phone - White ( AT& T)
Apple - iPhone 4S with 16GB Memory Mobile Phone - White ( AT& T)
Price: 320
Visits: 422

Date Posted: 6/8/2012 7:06:05 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: bumin  
The Laptop is available for sale with no tax through, Purchase to visit available in Black and White 32GB and 64GB models. The iPhone 4S features a powerful dual-core A5 chip with faster graphics for browsing the Web, switching between apps, gaming and more. The 8.0MP camera boasts advanced optics and shoots 1080p HD video. Ask Siri, a voice-activated intelligent assistant, to make calls, send texts, set reminders and more. Features the iOS 5 operating system with its easy-to-use interface, rock-solid stability and extended battery life. Use with iCloud to store your digital content and wirelessly push it to all your devices. What'''' s Included Apple® iPhone® 4S with 16GB Memory Mobile Phone ( AT& T) Apple earphones with remote and mic Rechargeable lithium-ion battery USB power adapter Owner'''' s manual

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