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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > Alienware AM14X-6667BK 14-Inch Laptop
Alienware AM14X-6667BK 14-Inch Laptop
Price: 309
Visits: 369

Date Posted: 5/27/2012 9:53:40 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ehope333  
The product is holding sale promotion now, Purchase to visit Product Details Take control of your gaming with the Alienware M14x multimedia laptop ( model AM14x-6667BK) , which features a thermally optimized case design with aggressive lines and an in-your-face attitude. It features a stunning, high-definition 14-inch display and a powerful, second-generation Intel Core i5 processor. With aggressive lines and in-your-face attitude, the M14x has a presence unlike any other gaming laptop.Additionally, it offers ultra-fast DDR3 system memory and NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M graphics with a whopping 3 GB of discrete memory--enabling you to rip through the latest 3D games at lightning-fast frame-rates.

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