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TOSHIBA Qosmio X775-3DV80B
Price: 350
Visits: 342

Date Posted: 5/27/2012 9:52:34 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ehope333  
The product is holding sale promotion now, Purchase to visit Product Details Prepare to bring your entertainment to a whole new dimension with this laptop. The TOSHIBA Qosmio X775-3DV80B is powered by a second-generation Intel Core i7 quad-core processor which provides breakthrough digital media management, content creation, and 3D gaming capabilities. Thanks to NVIDIA 3D Vision and a brilliant 3D-ready screen, it’ s ready to unleash breathtaking imagery in stereoscopic 3D— wherever you happen to be. This laptop comes pre-loaded with all the software you need to start enjoying 3D right away— including the Toshiba Video Players and Corel WinDVD BD applications to watch 3D Blu-ray movies. Simply don a pair of 3D glasses ( not included) and gaze into the 17.3” diagonal 120Hz HD TruBrite widescreen display. You can also plug this PC into a 3D-ready big screen HD or 3DTV using the built-in HDMI port. You’ ll see your games, photos and 3D Blu-ray Disc movies transformed

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