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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Phones & PDAs > Sony Ericsson Satio ( U1i) Quadband 3G HSDPA GPS Unlocked Phone in SILVER
Sony Ericsson Satio ( U1i) Quadband 3G HSDPA GPS Unlocked Phone in SILVER
Price: 171
Visits: 668

Date Posted: 5/24/2012 1:10:07 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ehope111  
The product is holding sale promotion now, Purchase to visit nlocked - ALL GSM networks, worldwide GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 3G Euro Standard: UMTS/ HSPA 900/ 2100 12.1 MP camera wtih Xenon Flash and intuitive touch focus 3.5-inch touchscreen handset Symbian 9.2 OS / S60 V5 Touch UI aGPS, BluetoothTM technology, WiFiTM

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