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Price: 188
Visits: 695

Date Posted: 5/24/2012 1:08:59 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ehope111  
The product is holding sale promotion now, Purchase to visit torola DROID 3 is the successor of the Motorola DROID 2. it comes with a 4” qHD display and claims to have a 30% faster graphics chip than its predecessor, but it also sports a larger 5-row keyboard. In addition, the new handset brags with 27% faster multitasking performance over the DROID 2 Global thanks to its 1GHz dual-core TI OMAP chip. The DROID 3 is also the first phone on Verizon capable of recording 1080p full HD videos with its 8-megapixel rear camera.

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