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You're here:  USA > Marketplace > Business & Industrial > The Mtrack Asset Tracking and Recovery Device
The Mtrack Asset Tracking and Recovery Device
Price: 11
Visits: 706

Date Posted: 3/9/2012 4:54:15 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: raozahid2010  
Mtrack was the first and only SAIA (South African Insurance Association) approved, fully portable, wireless device enabling successful asset tracking and asset recovery.The portable size of Mtrack allows it to be concealed easily. Therefore this unique tracking device enables both cargo tracking and vehicle recovery. Mtrack boasts the best recovery rate in the world – 98.4% over the last 4 years. Continue reading about (visit: (Contact: For advertise your business contact us ( (bw1045)

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